Maddie Courville's Because I am a Girl Fundraising Page
Maddie Courville
Maddie Courville
My hero is Malala Yousafzai because Malala is not afraid to stand up for girls' rights and education for all. Every child has the right to an education, yet an estimated 130 million girls around the world are not in school, and those who are, struggle to remain in the classroom – where they belong.
Please help me support the Because I am a Girl campaign from Plan International Canada by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. My fundraising goal is $1,000 and every dollar I raise will advance Plan International Canada's Because I am a Girl Initiative! Additionally, you can ask me how you can get involved too.
Girls' rights are human rights - help me make a difference!
Please help me support the Because I am a Girl campaign from Plan International Canada by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. My fundraising goal is $1,000 and every dollar I raise will advance Plan International Canada's Because I am a Girl Initiative! Additionally, you can ask me how you can get involved too.
Girls' rights are human rights - help me make a difference!